ls -la: list files (including hidden)
uname -a OS version
lsb_release -a OS version
cat /etc/os-release OS version
neoftech is a great tool for this
hostnamectl -setname
locate (updatedb command will update the cache after changes to disk)
whereis: find binary
which: find in path variable
whatis: short man description of command
find -type f -name
lsof – list open files
nl: add number to lines
tail -n+507 /etc/snort/snort.conf | head -n 6
example: nl /etc/snort/snort.conf | grep output
sed: can be used to replace words: ex: sed s/mysql/MySQL/g /etc/snort/snort.conf > snort2.conf
netstat -ano
crontab -l: searches scheduled tasks
sudo -i: login as root
service – manually manage services
systemctl – can make services auto start/stop on startup
sudo systemctl enable name.service
sudo systemctl disable name.service
/etc/systemd/system location for some services
echo “hello” | cut 1 > log.txt 2>&1 (outputs any errors from that command to the log file)
echo “hello” | abc > log.txt 2>/dev/null (errors do not go to the log file)
env show variables
ip addr – IP address
ip neighbor – ARP cache
mtr – similar to traceroute
ip addr|ifconfig: show network settings
ifconfig eth0 down | ifconfig eth0 hw ether 00:11:22:33:44:55 | ifconfig eth0 up: change mac
dhclient eth0: request DHCP
dig domain type: DNS lookup
etc/hosts: local host file
etc/resolv.conf: local nameserver settings
apt-cache search keyword: searches
apt-get package: downloads
apt-get install package: installs
apt-get remove package: removes, doesn’t remove config files
apt-get purge: removes config files from installed software
apt autoremove package: removes libraries and dependencies installed with the package that are no longer used by anything else
apt-get update: updates package info from repositories
apt-get upgrade: upgrades all packages from repositories
/etc/apt/sources.list: repo file
note: if software isnt listed in any repo: use git to clone from github
dbpg -i
chown: change ownership of a file
chgrp: change ownership of a file from one group to another
chmod: change permissions of a file
-a file has owner,group,user permissions 777 = rwx for all three
free – lists free memory
df -H – disk usage
ps -aux:list all processes from all users | grep process
htop or top | t,m,z,h | r to renice | k to kill
kill: -1 PID restarts a process
pkill – terminates off name instead of PID
kill: -9 PID terminals a process
killall: kills by processname
process &: run it in the background, useful or text editor so it doesn’t hog the terminal
bg PID
fg PID
at: used to setup the daemon
atd: used to schedule a job to run once
crond: used to scheduled a job re-occuring
example: at 7:20pm June 25 or at now + 20 minutes or at 7:20pm 06/25/2020
env: environment variables
set: all env and shell variables
example: set | grep HISTSIZE
example: to change var: HISTSIZE=0, to reset HISTSIZE=1000
export $PS1: permanently saves this. If you don’t use export it only temporary saves it for that session.
$PATH: This will execute binaries from this location… If you have a custom program that you need to run without being in the directory: Add to this location or add to the $PATH var…PATH=$PATH:/root/hackingtool
echo $ip
ping $ip
export PATH=$PATH:/home/kali/Desktop (adds desktop to the PATH var)
#! /bin/bash: #!: tells the interpreter to use and /bin/bash means use bourne again shell, which is most widely used shell
read test: reads input on screen into $test variable
read ip
nmap -sT $ip -p 1433 >/dev/null -oG scan
tar -cvf file.tar file1.txt file2.txt (create tar file)
tar -tvf file.tar (view contents)
tar -xvf file.tar (extracts contents)
gzip, bzip, compress
gunzip, bunzip, ucompress
zip -r *
dd: bit by bit file copy of usb or storage system
under /dev:
sda: first SATA hdd
sdb: second SATA hdd
sda1: first SATA hdd partition1
sda2: second SATA hdd partition2
fdisk -l: lists all the partitions of all the drives
lsblk: list block devices
/media, /mnt: two mount points for flash drives
Note: You may have to manually mount a USB flash drive… First lsblk and then mount /dev/name /media… /etc/fstab is read on boot to for mounting devices
mount: mount a disk
umount: unmount a disk
df: disk free:Get info on mounted disks
fsck: check filesystem for error. need to umount the /dev/device first
smbclient: smbclient \\\\fqdn -U | get/put
timedatectl set-timezone
ln: hard link. Basically makes a copy of the file and if you modify content of file it modifies the other linked file
ln -s: symbolic link. Makes a shortcut. Deleting the file will render the shortcut useless. Can make a shortcut to a folder path.
example: ln -s /opt/nessus/sbin nessus
Note: The difference between symbolic links and a hard links is that a symbolic link file points to the filename of another file and a hard link file points to the contents of another file
scp /path/to/file username@a:/path/to/destination
scp username@b:/path/to/file /path/to/destination
TCP Wrappers
facility.priority action
shred -f -n 10 /var/log/auth.log.*
service rsyslog stop
ufw runs on top of iptables. ufw is easier. so you could do sudo ufw enable and then status
sudo ufw allow 80
SMB Singing
Under global settings:
server signing = mandatory
client signing = mandatory
Upgrade OS
At first, you should update your system with the following command:
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt dist-upgrade
sudo apt autoremove
sudo apt install update-manager-core
sudo do-release-upgrade
*Make sure logged off before trying to RDP to Linux*
sudo apt install xrdp
sudo usermod -a -G ssl-cert xrdp
sudo systemctl restart xrdp
sudo ufw allow from IP/32 to any port 3389
sudo ufw reload
Nutanix Guest Tools
sudo apt-get install lvm2
sudo python3
sudo apt install
sudo apt install docker-compose
sudo nano docker-compose.yml
sudo docker-compose up -d
docker ps
docker images
Portainer is used for docker management